Open 7 days at 287 High St, Northcote

Potions, Perfumes and Petals

Double Double Toil and Trouble Fire Burn and Cauldron Bubble……… A patch of garden, cubby house, sandpit or vegie patch are all open-ended sensory spaces, guaranteed to ignite imagination and cultivate investigation. I remember a neighbourhood friend of mine in primary school, who had a wild garden and un-used pigeon coop that soon became our […]

Play to learn with more time outside

We know that time in nature positively effects our wellbeing. We re-set in the embrace of nature, as it’s beauty and wonder wash over us, inviting calm, providing inspiration, touching our spirit. Our children know there is magic in nature, they naturally seek it in the elements when they play. Exploring, interacting and immersing themselves […]

The gift of storytelling


To tell a story is not new……we all do it quite naturally when sharing stories about our experiences and adventures, but when it comes to telling a story or a tale to children, many of us think we can’t! Sharing and telling stories is as old as the very first people who inhabited our world. […]

The importance of dolls in play

Custom Formed doll

A special doll is an important addition to a child’s toy collection because it initiates a different kind of play and awareness. Doll play encourages early compassion in young children, developing a sense of care and respect for others. Compassion, kindness and empathy are vital qualities for humanity, they are the threads that connect us, […]

Sensory Support – Finding Comfort in Weighted Toys

There is much growing awareness around sensory feedback that suggests just how important ‘gentle pressure touch’ can be for children with hyper sensitivity and sensory processing issues. You may have heard of weighted blankets used to ease anxiety and help bring calm, well adding weight to soft and friendly toys for children, supports this same […]

Creating a Nature Table

Keeping a Nature or Seasonal Table in your home is a beautiful, creative and educational experience to share with your children and can be as simple or elaborate as you like. A nature table provides a dedicated way for your family to follow the natural cycle of the year.  A simple shelf space, a deep […]

Repurposing/Up-cycling for Craft Inspiration

Baby and Creatures Henny Penny

Recycling products is not new but it is becoming more and more significant in the push against increasing landfill and the impact of our environmental footprint. This shift in consciousness also lends itself to creative thinking and resourcefulness, and craft is the perfect outlet for re-using, up-cycling and re-creating! It is very satisfying to create […]